MeCAD - superlative experience
Our company offers complete kit (design + materials + installation) for metalic structures with all shapes and sizes, not imposed framing certain predefined types (length, width, height). The main goal of MeCAD is to optimize the construction of the design because the components are designed in accordance with machining and assembly technologies.
Between the years 2002 - 2015 MeCAD has made over 170 projects, totaling approximately 190,000 sqm industrial and commercial buildings.
Computerized design three-dimensional modeling of the future object offers several major advantages:
- preview of future construction, with all the details and any perspective;
- eliminate design errors;
- project changes in real time according to customer requirements.
The buildings are generally designed steel frame assembled with high-strength bolts, which gives - compared to conventional structures - important advantages:
- reduced weight - thus smaller and cheaper foundations;
- short installation time
- discard any processing on site of components;
- subsequent finishes are considerably reduced (metallic elements are already galvanized and / or painted panels and sheet "sandwich" is the color ordered);
- the project plans are very detailed, including details of the various joints and three-dimensional positioning of metallic elements;
- eliminating waste materials (metal elements are delivered to the size of the project);
- removal of verification and certification procedures welds (if assembled by welding metal construction).
Perimeter closings are generally panels with polyurethane foam. For this project to ensure a very detailed assembly and materials are provided so that the installation will be minimal.
The immediate advantage for the beneficiary is a total investment cost reduced by eliminating the losses of material on site, reducing machining time for the components of construction and reduce installation time.
In addition, due to shortening the total length + design + machining assembly, the beneficiary can quickly brought into use investment, with direct implications for gains in financial terms.